
The Narcissist’s Leverage


“I think a lot of self-importance is a product of fear. And fear, living in sort of an un-self-examined fear-based life, tends to lead to narcissism and self-importance.–Moby

Narcissists aren’t naturally fearless; they’re primarily insecure. But when a narcissist is bold, it’s because he’s seen a leverage to inflate his pride. Hence, his boldness and forwardness isn’t for no reason, but as a result of the opportunity he sees to take advantage of someone who seems to be a wimp.

This is how cocky bullies act—how narcissists play their game. Their actions are based on phoniness. There’s nothing genuine in their actions. It’s all motivated by fear: fear of not being seen as someone significant or noble in other’s perspective. Hence, they pounce on anyone who seems to make them feel good with boldness that motivated by a desire to compensate the sense of insecurity that they feel.

Without this motivation, they’re held immobilized. They don’t have a cause to fight for because they’ve not seen anyone who’s going to let them have sway; someone whom they perceive as a weakling or naïve; someone who’s going to give an emotional response to their actions; someone who’ll rather react irrationally as opposed to responding rationally.

Narcissists are looking for a scapegoat. They like the feeling it brings them when they see you hurt and caught dumfounded by their cunningness and annoying, devised strategies. They want to literally use your tears as reparation for the pain they feel—due to their insecure nature. They want to hurt you because they’re hurt. They’re looking for leverage. Don’t be that leverage!